Has your hair become weaker, thinner, prone to breakage, are you bothered by dandruff, hair loss? Any of these hair problems require treatment and fixing.
Since hair grows slowly, the fixing course takes a long time, from two months to six months, and in the future additional hair care may also be required, which will prevent the problem from recurring.
Hair Fixing in Bangalore is carried out by a trichologist who specializes in hair treatment - this is the doctor you should contact with a request to fix the hair structure, its strength, elasticity.
Reasons why you need to fix your hair
When might hair need fixing? First of all, with alopecia. Hair loss is a common problem among men and women, teenagers and the elderly. Each age group, like each person, has its own causes of alopecia, and the sooner they are identified, the faster it will be possible to fix hair.
When health problems occur, the body first of all stops taking care of the hair, supplying it with nutrients, regulating growth and development processes.
If you do not take the necessary measures, it can be difficult to cope with these problems on your own. But a qualified trichologist will teach you how to take care of your hair and help fix its beauty and health.
How does Hair fixing happen?
Hair fixing treatments include:
- Taking vitamins and minerals to compensate for existing vitamin deficiency;
- Injections of vitamin cocktails into the scalp, into the follicle growth zone;
- Methods of external influence – laser therapy and others;
- Use of creams, masks, ointments to solve existing problems and fix hair.
First hair examination by a specialist
Hair can be treated only after a quality examination. It is important to influence the cause of the pathology, for this, the trichologist can refer you for a consultation with an endocrinologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist and other narrow specialists.
Systemic diseases of the body have a negative effect on hair, treatment of the underlying disease will also solve the hair problem.
During the first visit, the doctor:
- Examine the hair using a special device;
- Listen to complaints;
- Will collect anamnesis;
- Will make a diagnosis;
- Will prescribe treatment;
Will refer you for additional examinations.
Last words
Hair fixing is a multifaceted process that depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the reasons for hair loss. It is vital approaching this matter carefully.
A trichologist will conduct a detailed examination of the scalp and hair, determine the causes of loss and create an individual fixing plan. This may include medications, vitamins, physical therapy, massage, and other methods of fixing.
Regular care procedures and proper nutrition are also important for strengthening hair. A conscious and targeted approach under the guidance of a specialist will help fix the health and beauty of your hair.
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